best way to study

Just when you thought you were going to spend the day relaxing and doing nothing, your teacher announces a test when you least expect it. Even if you hate exams, it’s an inevitable part of your school curriculum. Everyone hates passing tests, but you can improve your revision technique to avoid getting caught out.

Laying the groundwork for later

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Revise the program. Try to determine the days when your checks will fall and the coefficient they represent. Put these dates in your calendar so you don’t get caught out.

Plan to revise at least a week before each check-up. The ideal would be to do small revision sessions in advance instead of trying to revise everything in one big session.

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Pay attention in class. It might sound boring, but if you pay attention in class, you’ll have a lot less to revise later. Don’t believe that you will just passively absorb knowledge, you need to be an active learner to be successful

Listen carefully, as the teacher often gives you hints, such as “The most important thing about this topic is…” They might also emphasize certain words or topics. This is the key to successful checks. The more information you absorb in advance, the less you will have to revise.

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Take good notes. It’s easier said than done, but learning to take good notes will help you study much better later. Write down everything your teacher writes on the board or projects on the overhead projector. Try to record as much of what the teacher says as possible, but don’t let your note-taking distract you into forgetting to listen .

Review your notes every day, right after class. This allows new information to be better recorded.

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Make a habit of revising. Too often you believe that revisions are something that has to be done at the last minute on an all-nighter. Instead, try to make time every day to study. Make it part of your school curriculum, like a date or a class, to help you continue to see it as a habit

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Ask questions about the format of the control. Ask your teacher what the format of the test will be, how it will be marked, what are the opportunities for taking extra marks and if he would like to discuss with you the most important points to revise in your notes

Set up an optimal environment for learning

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Study in a clean, quiet and tidy room. Keep all distracting objects away from you. It is not recommended to rush to read a text or check your social media account while you are studying.

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Turn on the light ! It is not recommended to study in the dark. Turn on the lights when it is dark or even during the day open the curtains (also open the windows a little). People tend to study better and concentrate better in a bright, well-ventilated room with little noise.

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Turn off the television. Many students believe that they are very strong and can multi-task, such as studying while watching TV or chatting on the Internet with their friends, but research has shown that this is not true for most people .To increase your review performance, you need to eliminate distractions such as television or loud music with lyrics. By quickly shifting your attention between studying and watching TV, you make it harder for your brain to prioritize certain information and not others

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Decide if you can listen to music. The effects of music on memory performance vary between individuals. Some studies have shown that music helps improve performance in people with ADHD, but reduces it in people who don’t .You have to decide if you prefer to study with or without music. If you like listening to music while you study, make sure you’re focused on what you’re reviewing and not on the catchy song you’re listening to.

If you absolutely must listen to music, find some instrumental music so that the lyrics of the song don’t interfere with the subject of your reviews.

Listen to nature sounds in the background to keep your brain active and avoid getting distracted by other sounds. There are many background sound generators on the Internet.

You won’t get smarter or hold information in your brain better by listening to Mozart or classical music, but it will make your brain more receptive to new information

By admin

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